We...uh, used to buy old cameras.
And we had been doing it every single day for over a decade - we loved every minute of it. We have now closed our doors and are no longer buying or selling photographic equipment.
Even people from Lancashire agree... we were alright at this camera lark.

We are no longer accepting equipment.
We have now closed both our online store and physical shop. As such, we are no longer accepting equipment for purchase.
All of us here at West Yorkshire Cameras want to remain a part of the film photography community going forward, so as we are finishing everything up, we are still committed to providing quality, honest service that we've built the shop around for the last decade.
Examples of equipment we buy and sell:
Leica M
M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M6 TTL, M7
SL, SL2, R3, R4, R5 R6 R6-2, R8, R9
Leica Screw
Leica I, Leica II, Leica IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIIf, IIIg
Leica Copies
Leotax. Canon. Honor. Nicca. Tower. Tanack. Red Flag. Shanghai. Sonne. Reid. Kristall. Kardon. Neuca. Ducati.
Nikon SLR
F6, F5, F4, F3/T, F3P, F3HP, F3, F2, F2T, F, FE2,FM2, FM3a, FG, FE, EM, F-301, F-801, F80
Nikon Rangefinder
Nikon M, Nikon S, S2, S3, S4, SP
Canon EOS System: 35mm Film Cameras and Full-Frame Lenses. Canon FD System: Canon AE-1, A-1, AE-1 Program, AV-1, Canonflex.
Other Brands
Pentax, Olympus, Minolta, Voigtlander, Contax, Minox, Konica, Topcon, Cosina, Lomo, Ilford, Robot, Foca, Fuji, Exakta.
Medium Format SLR
Mamiya 645. Bronica ETRS, GS1, SQAi. Contax 645. Hasselblad 500CM, 503CW, SWCM, H1, H2, Flexbody. Rolleiflex SL66. Pentax 6x7, 67, 67II.
Medium Format Twin Lens
Rolleiflex Automat, 2.8F, 3.5F, Tele-Rollei. Yashica-Mat. Mamiya C330. Minolta Autocord.
Medium Format Rangefinder
Mamiya 6 and 7, Super 23. Fuji GW670, GW680, GW690, GS645, GA645. Bronica RF645. Plaubel 67.
Fuji GX617, G617, TX-1, TX-2. Fotoman. Widepan. Linhof Technorama. Hasselblad Xpan. Panon Widelux.
Large Format
Arca Swiss. Chamonix. Deardorff. Ebony. Horseman. Linhof. Plaubel. Shen Hao. Silvestri. Sinar. Tachihara. Toyo. Walker. Wista.
Vintage Lenses
Kern, Kilfitt, Kinoptik, Cooke, Goerz, Som Berthiot, Taylor Hobson, Dallmeyer, Wollensak, Ross, Cooke, 7Artisans, Hugo Meyer, Enna, Arriflex, Bolex, Orion.
...and much more besides.
The more interesting, unusual and eclectic - the better!