
A TLR camera on a wooden box.

Shooting the Rolleicord 'Art Deco' in the South...

'With its intricate design of interlaced gold, reminiscent of Cuban Links, along with the vintage typography, it’s no wonder these are a hit with collectors.' Ethan recently took the Rolleicord...

Shooting the Rolleicord 'Art Deco' in the South...

'With its intricate design of interlaced gold, reminiscent of Cuban Links, along with the vintage typography, it’s no wonder these are a hit with collectors.' Ethan recently took the Rolleicord...

A man stood in front of a camera shop in Leeds.

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Ethan ...

'This hobby has provided me with incredible experiences, introducing me to individuals from diverse backgrounds' Wrapping up our series of staff interviews is none other than 'Mr. Worldwide' himself, Ethan....

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Ethan ...

'This hobby has provided me with incredible experiences, introducing me to individuals from diverse backgrounds' Wrapping up our series of staff interviews is none other than 'Mr. Worldwide' himself, Ethan....

A man with a goatee standing in front of a camera shop.

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Steve ...

'The ‘click, click, click’ of shooting digital meant I couldn’t slow down and focus. When I discovered film, I enjoyed the process of stepping back and slowing down.' Continuing our...

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Steve ...

'The ‘click, click, click’ of shooting digital meant I couldn’t slow down and focus. When I discovered film, I enjoyed the process of stepping back and slowing down.' Continuing our...

A man with an afro and glasses standing in front of a camera shop.

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Adam F...

'I’ve been constantly taking photos of everyone and everything for as long as I could afford a camera to build up a large record of life around me.' Next up...

West Yorkshire Cameras Staff Interviews: Adam F...

'I’ve been constantly taking photos of everyone and everything for as long as I could afford a camera to build up a large record of life around me.' Next up...

Nikkormat FTn Hands On - Ray Goodwin

Nikkormat FTn 动手实践 - 雷·古德温 (Ray Goodwin)

如果您喜欢我们的第一篇客座博文,还有一篇! 如果你们中的任何人正在考虑为您的收藏购买一台新相机,或者正在考虑进入模拟摄影领域,请继续阅读以了解 Ray Goodwin ( @ray__goodwin ) 对 Nikkormat FTn 的看法! 从我记事起,胶片摄影就一直是我的最爱。当我开始“认真”对待摄影时,我迷上了用胶片相机拍摄的想法。在我看来,它们经过精心设计和考虑,旨在成为可靠的工具,并且最终经久耐用。手动相机是对这一点的终极认可 - 一款没有复杂功能或无用功能的简洁相机。 我一直是佳能人。我的第一台 DSLR 是佳能,我一直很喜欢他们的镜头系统和相机布局。我发现它们很直观,似乎没有什么复杂的。尼康对我来说是“阴暗面”:曝光表向后,与佳能相比安装系统也是如此!尽管如此,我一直关注尼康的模拟相机。尼康单反相机的起源不容忽视,无数专业摄影师和美国国家航空航天局都在使用它们。所以当时机成熟时,我已经准备好入手尼康了。然后我看到了它们的成本,作为一名大学生,我想:“哦,算了,算了”。然而……隧道尽头有一盏灯……而且它是负担得起的! 欢迎来到 Nikkormat FTn 舞台。 Nikkormat 是当时尼康用户的预算友好型选择,据我了解,它们被用作使用 F 和 F2 机身的专业摄影师的备用机身。 FTn 是后期尼康型号中发现的 60/40...

Nikkormat FTn 动手实践 - 雷·古德温 (Ray Goodwin)

如果您喜欢我们的第一篇客座博文,还有一篇! 如果你们中的任何人正在考虑为您的收藏购买一台新相机,或者正在考虑进入模拟摄影领域,请继续阅读以了解 Ray Goodwin ( @ray__goodwin ) 对 Nikkormat FTn 的看法! 从我记事起,胶片摄影就一直是我的最爱。当我开始“认真”对待摄影时,我迷上了用胶片相机拍摄的想法。在我看来,它们经过精心设计和考虑,旨在成为可靠的工具,并且最终经久耐用。手动相机是对这一点的终极认可 - 一款没有复杂功能或无用功能的简洁相机。 我一直是佳能人。我的第一台 DSLR 是佳能,我一直很喜欢他们的镜头系统和相机布局。我发现它们很直观,似乎没有什么复杂的。尼康对我来说是“阴暗面”:曝光表向后,与佳能相比安装系统也是如此!尽管如此,我一直关注尼康的模拟相机。尼康单反相机的起源不容忽视,无数专业摄影师和美国国家航空航天局都在使用它们。所以当时机成熟时,我已经准备好入手尼康了。然后我看到了它们的成本,作为一名大学生,我想:“哦,算了,算了”。然而……隧道尽头有一盏灯……而且它是负担得起的! 欢迎来到 Nikkormat FTn 舞台。 Nikkormat 是当时尼康用户的预算友好型选择,据我了解,它们被用作使用 F 和 F2 机身的专业摄影师的备用机身。 FTn 是后期尼康型号中发现的 60/40...

West Yorkshire Cameras Don McCullin

鼓舞人心的摄影师:Don McCullin


鼓舞人心的摄影师:Don McCullin
